Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles -Top 3 Worries of a Mother -- OH the Hair!

Kodak (who claims, with some clever ads on my sidebar, that we can at least partially knock off our economic worry with a printer) and JuiceBoxJungle sponsored me to write this post, and they asked me to talk about the top and/or bottom 3 things I worry about as a mom.


So, since I think many of you ARE moms, and because you are a mom, you can find at least 90 different ways to feel GUILTY about something throughout your day! Am I right? RIGHT?! Well, I know I do. So, let me share with you a few of my worries, in this oh so relevant setting, about being a mom to one in particular strong-willed stubborn little gal, whom I adore and cherish.

My worries: (and these are NOT my most pressing worries, but are ones I deal with currently and daily, so here they are).
How do I get my 6 year old up and ready for school (clothes changed, HAIR DONE, teeth brushed, breakfast eaten) in a willing and happy manner? This has been an ongoing issue for us, and since she's our oldest, we find we are just winging it, and approaching it with every creative tactic we can think of. My sweet little princess will sit on her bed, on the floor, or wherever she ends up coming to a standstill in the morning, and REFUSES to budge. Our rule is that she has to go to school, no matter what, even if she's in her PJ's and her hair is a mess. THIS is what kills me! Hair! A mess!? What!? But her stubborness deflates all reason, and out the door she goes, Pigpen hair and all.

I worry: Will her teacher think I'm a negligent mother? One that sends her daughter off to school unprepared and without a decent breakfast?
I worry: Will her classmates think that's just how we roll in our home? Blithe and carefree about our personal hygiene?
I worry: Will my angelic and level-headed daughter start to think it's OK to look like a Neanderthal?

Goodness me. I know my little one was sent to me so I could learn a valuable lesson here. I'm hoping I figure it out soon, and not ruin her independent spirit in the process!

More hair to come!