Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles - A Dance Do: Twist Braid Bun 7-10 Min

This one is in honor of all you moms who lovingly help their dearest darlings pull on tights and leotards 2 or 3 times a week and drive to the dance studio to watch their princesses bounce around to the best of Disney songs. And you do it all with pride and joy! Right? Right! I know, I do it for both of my gals, and I love every dancey dance minute of it. Nothing's cuter than when they put on those leotards and tights and ballet shoes.

SO, they need some cute-out-of-the-face-ballerina-hair that's fast and easy to match. This is what my littlest princess wears to her big 4 year old class:

It's SO easy and fast! Pull the hair back into a high ponytail, hair thoroughly damp.
Divide the ponytail evenly into two sections of hair.
Do 2 twist braids in the ponytail, and feel free to tie a big red ribbon around the ponytail. For the most part, just ignore the ribbon. It was purely experimental. 
After your twist braids are finished, let me direct your attention to some fabulous hair tools: Mini Pins OR teeny tiny bobby pins that works superbly in little girl's hairstyles! Their hold is amazing, and just the right size for their little heads (see below). This is what I use to hold in her bun.
Take one of the twist braids and start wrapping it around the base of the ponytail.
Wrap the twist braid until the end,
and secure with a mini pin. It works better if you stick the bobby pin down INTO the bun, rather than placing it next to the bun, as I'm doing here.
Next, take the second twist braid and wrap it around the bun in the opposite direction that you wrapped the first braid.
And secure the ends in the same way. Use as many bobby pins as you need to around the base of the bun until it's secure.
If you've cleverly incorporated your ribbon in as I've done here, all you have to do is tie it! :) Otherwise wrap one around at the end, and she's all set!
Happy Dancing!

Little Girl's Hairstyles - 100 Fans on Facebook!!

Hurray!! 100 members on my Pretty Hair is Fun Facebook page!!! To celebrate, I'm going to send a FREE ebook to the first 10 people who do this:

Email your friends, cc on it, and tell them to become a fan on my Facebook page! The first 10 to get at least one friend to do it will get a free eBook! You have to leave me a comment here with your friend's name!

Good luck and thanks for all your support!! Oh, and did anyone get pinched today?

Winner of our Giveaway!!



Her name was chosen using I would put the little doohickey on here, but I don't like it, plus it was too much work. :)

Congratulations Amy! Please email your address to: and she'll get that sent out to you! Thanks to Hollie over at Twiggle Box as well! This amazing woman went and had baby #4 during our giveaway! Go and take a peek at her darling new boy: Congrats to you Hollie.

Thank you to all who participated!! I am now almost to 100 followers on Facebook! I am taking suggestions as to what to do to celebrate? Thoughts??

Oh, and Happy St. Paddy's day! My girls and I spent the evening last night painting all our nails green. What did you all do? I want cute St. Paddy's day hair pics to post!