Friday, 1 January 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles -Twisty Updo 15-20 min

Happy New Year ladies!! I hope some of you could stay up and see the midnight festivities and greet the new year with pizazz! My greeting pizazz consisted of being roused from my slumber on the couch by my hubby and gals. So welcome 2010! I have some plans for this new year for my little blog, and hopefully you will enjoy them! Please let me know if YOU have any ideas for me! On with the hair!

This cold weather has really made for some really fun hair time for me and my little gals (funner for me than for them). I have been asked for some fun updos for recitals, dances, and special occasions, so hopefully this one will pass muster for at least one of those.
I started by parting down the back of her head on an angle, leaving slightly more on the top half of the part. Clip off the top section.
I then parted off four equal size ponys along the bottom.
Side view of ponys.
Next I began twisting each pony. I twisted each one until it started twisting in on itself. I had to use not only her little hands to help hold all four, but at least one of my other gal's as well. If you don't have so many available hands, then you could twist them up into the top section and bobby pin the ends tightly.
My finished twists with helper hands.
When I finished all my twists, I combed the top section up (you'll need to unpin any twists you have pinned up there first, and pin somewhere else!), into a high side ponytail. Before I put in my elastic, I grabbed and added, one at a time, each of the four twists. If this turns out to be tricky, then secure the ponytail first with an elastic, and THEN bring up the four twists and secure with an additional ponytail.
Next, I took larger (than the small twists) pieces of her very wet ponytail and began twisting those.
I brought the end of the twist up to the base of the pony, and bobby pinned the ends right next to the elastic, leaving about 2 inches of hair on the end.
I pieced off and twisted the rest of her ponytail and secured them with bobby pins. When adding in the additional sections, place your bobby pins so they face each other, or so they face in opposite directions (or east west). This will help secure all the hair, especially if you overlap each new pin into existing pinned sections. Hopefully you can see how the pins lay going east and west.
I then rolled the ends over my finger and slid yet another bobby pin in to hold the ends, forming a small barrel curl on top.
I sprayed it all really well with hairspray, and then put in a big korker bow (from Madibu) in between the barrel curl and the twists.
She's all prepped! But if your weather is very cold like ours here.....don't let your little one go out with this super wet head! It's hard on her hair, and it makes for one cold little princess. Pop her hood on, or wrap her scarf over the top. If you've sprayed it well, and let that dry, it will stay in!