Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles - How to do different hairdo's with a Daisy Chain Braid! 15-20 min each

So on the days when I decide to 'do some hair' I realize the pressure I've put on myself by creating this blog! I'm forever trying to create a new hairdo to teach or show, to give you ladies the ideas you want. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE playing around with new hairstyles, braids, ways of twisting the hair, etc. I am always striving to create something cute and different, but that doesn't take an hour and a half to do, and requires 7 hands! So, most of the time I attempt variety by combining hair tricks/styles I've already shared. We all know there are literally thousands of things you can do with hair, but half the battle (for me anyway) is SEEING something really awesome and saying to yourself, "hey, I can do that!"
So, here's two I did the other day, using braids I've shared previously, and therefore, braids and tricks that you all are already pros at!

For this hairstyle, I first did a side part, then did an angle part on the large side, from one temple back to above her other ear. Next I did two small Daisy Chain braids back to the same point, and ponytailed them off.
I then combed the rest of her hair into a side ponytail, and included the braid's ponytails, and put it in a stuffed bun on the side.
For this hairstyle, I did an angle part in front, dividing all the hair in front in half, and did two small Daisy Chain Braids back to ears, and ponytailed them off. Then I pulled the rest of the hair back into a ponytail, and did a 4 strand braid in her ponytail.
This one was not a happy camper about having her pictures taken. Having cute hair does not equal having a cute attitude!

I hope these inspire you! I'd love to see what you come up with using the Daisy Chain Braid!