Monday, 19 October 2009

Little Girl's Hairstyles -3 Braids Up Top with Corkscrew Curls 15-20 min

I am really struggling with the titles for my hairdo' please bear with me. I don't know if it's better to be just practical and descriptive, or original and fun. You can see what I went with today. I got this darling bow from Madibu bows too. I love korker bows!
I parted her hair (attempted here) on a curve right in the middle of her head. I wanted the three top braids to curve in towards the middle point where they would join. This was more work than it was worth..since the curve wasn't too obvious in the end--so do what you will!
Clipped it off, ready to braid.
For the middle braid, I did a regular french braid, back to the parting lined up with her ears. The center braid doesn't really need to be extended beyond this point.
I started the side braids on an angle, so I began the braid with hair closer to her ears, rather than closer to the top.
Continue the braid after you finish the french braid. I did do an inside out braid on the two outside braids. I just wanted to see what it would look like.
Other side, and where I started the braid.
Finished braids
Join braids together at end of center braid.
I decided to do corkscrew curls all over, since we were leaving it down.
Pretty darn cute!