I've been feeling lucky and grateful lately, and touting how healthy my kids have been. Well, knock on wood, cuz we got a doozy last week. First my 6 year old is down for the count for a week or so, then luckily it got passed on to little sis. So, throughout these last few days filled with nose wiping, medicing-taking coaxing and begging, and Lysol spraying....I've been thinking about some of those special sick times with my kidlets. (Don't get me wrong...I hate that their sick, but I really really enjoy those snuggle times with my babies......when they get big, they don't let you hug and kiss them all day long anymore!)
Like for instance, I remember when my oldest lost it just after drinking a big glass of grape juice all over my new carpet. I found out what carpet cleaner really works on tough stains (Oxi Clean)!
I also remember having to stay home from my sister in law's wedding because one of my babies was sick. That was when I learned to not give my kids fruit snacks when they are feeling nauseous. Those also stain carpet.
And my last soapbox thought.....yesterday, in the midst of my little baby having a raging fever for the 3rd day in a row, I had to be gone all day long. I just felt miserable leaving her behind, even though she was with my husband, and well taken care of, I just ached inside! Even though it's just a long day of throwing out snotty tissues and getting my face coughed on, I love being a mom and taking care of those little stinkers!!
So thanks for letting me share my thoughts here, especially since I want to tell you about a great contest going on at Similisan-who make products to ease the symptoms of sickie kids. They are running a fun photo contest along with Shutterfly. What do they want? Photos of bright eyed, bushy tailed smiling children that "take your breath away" (in a good way - please no images of your toddler kicking Dad in the crotch). You can enter to win a $500 gift card!! So send in those cute pics (along with some great hairdos!) of your beautiful kids (when the noses aren't running!), and get yourself a gift card!
Above all--enjoy being a mom. There's no higher calling on earth. :)
Similasan and JuiceBoxJungle sponsored me to write this post, and they asked me share this contest with you, and the joys of being a mom during those fun sick times.

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