Thursday, 27 August 2009

Little Girl's Hairstyles - Double Braids 7-10 min

This is pretty basic, but I like how the smaller braid shows in the bigger one. (I think it shows better in real life.)
Start with wet hair. You can use hair gel here. I used 4 elastics for this style.
Part off side section, just behind ear.  Comb rest of hair back away from part.
I did a backward/inside out braid here.
Braid as far down as you can, since the longer length will make it show more in the bottom braid. I sprayed it with hairspray here, before I joined it with the second braid. I also used a clear elastic, so it wouldn't be so obvious.
After you braid both front sides, part off back. I clipped the other section over.
Comb the back section back and at an angle, so it's behind her ear.
When you have it all combed smooth, grab your front braid, and place it on top. You'll want to keep the little braid flat and on top as much as possible while braiding it into the larger braid, so it will show.
Divide hair into three sections, putting the little braid on the far section. It's important to divide the sections evenly here, to make the braid look the best. To compensate for the small braid being added in, take less hair on that section, trying to keep all three sections the same thickness.  
It can be tricky right here getting all the hair to lay smooth and flat. Be patient and work out the bumps, it's hard for me to get it right here too, but it's worth it. Pulling the hair tight and keeping it tight in the braid will help alot. When you start braiding, always push the small braid on top and keep it from getting twisted.
Braid down to the ends.
Back view. Make sure to start bottom braids in same place on both sides of her head. You say "well, of course", but I've been completely finished and realized they aren't matched up well, and that's a major bummer.
Side--make sure to spray with hairspray! I do both top and bottom of the braids.
And, my favorite...the front. She's happy to be done!

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