Wednesday, 9 September 2009

Little Girl's Hairstyles -Pull Thru Ponys with Corkscrew Curls 15-20 min

If you do this hairstyle today.......
You'll have this hair tomorrow. (Enlarge this one to see it better!)
Since you'll be curling the hair, don't get it all wet. I only sprayed the front, where it's parted on an angle.
I parted down to the ear, and then gathered one side in a pony. To do a pull through pony, stick the end of a rattail comb through, and wiggle it back and forth to make a large hole in the pony.
Bring hair through, wrapping it over, going towards her face. Bring it to this point, and then to tighten it down close to the head, I split the pony and pull down and apart.
Do two pull through ponys.
Comb back the rest of the hair, and pull into a high pony.
You are going to do another pull through pony with the large one, this time pulling it in the opposite direction.
Use your rattail comb to make another gap, and pull the hair up through the gap, and over.
It gives it that nice poof on top. Tighten it up the same way.
To begin the corkscrew curl, I used sections about this size. I used the 1/2 inch curling iron, since her hair is pretty straight, and I wanted maximum curl. I sprayed the section of hair first with hairspray, and smoothed it down with my hand.
Start by wrapping the hair around the barrel, all the way to the ends, and hold with your hand. When I get to the last 4 or 5 inches of hair, I start twisting the hair as I go around. You can see the difference in how it's laying on the barrel. You can do that to the whole section, especially if it's shorter. I hold it here with my fingers for about 30 seconds. *If you see steam coming off the curl, it's most likely the hairspray burning, and not to worry. On the other hand, if you smell something not right, it's time to lose the iron.
This is what it should look like when you are done. See the difference on this than from the 'not so perfect curls' post? This will end up leaving the ends more straight, and you'll achieve that soft tousled wave look.
This shows where I start twisting the hair at the end on the barrel.
All corkscrew curls finished. Give it a good coating of the 'spray.
See all those nice creases? Here's what I do to fix that so the ribbon doesn't look so hammered.
Just run your curling iron up and down it until it's smooth. You can also curl your ribbon just like you curled her hair, if you so choose. I chose not today.
All nice and tidy.
She's not in the corner because she's in trouble. It seemed to help her keep still today for pictures for some reason.
Whenever I do this style on my girls, I always try to have them sleep in it, ponys and all. The next day I take it all out and it will look (usually) like the soft tousled waves that are so popular today. I love love love it the next day. See the post labeled Double twist braid with soft tousled waves to see what I did the next day. Also, I don't finger comb out the curls until the next day, and then, just very lightly.

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