Monday, 18 January 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles -Puffy Braids with Headband and Corkscrew Curls 15-20 Min

Here's a "Half and Half" hair do. I have seen versions of this idea at various times, and have always had mixed thoughts on them. "Is her hair supposed to be curly? Should only parts of that be crimped/curly?" I just decided to try it out for myself, and I think it's a keeper!
This is what we started with: Mostly straight, but with some pesky waves underneath.
So I lightly misted her hair with water and round brushed it all straight.
Next I parted off the headband section, and clipped the back away. I parted off the first of 5 ponys, each about 2 inches wide.
I pulled the first 3 ponys into the next, like here.
After the 3rd, I parted off the next 2 sections.
I put in an elastic in the last pony first, since I wanted to join both the bottom pony and the top into this last pony.
Here's what it looked like after I put in both sides.
Next (and I'm not sure why I don't have pictures of this ....) I did corkscrew curls, using my 1/2 inch curling iron, around the back of her head. I took pieces only from the top, right next to the parted off headband, only going about an inch down from the headband, and I did a corkscrew curl. I then did the same inch tall section next to it, and so on until I'd done all the way around her head. Let the curls cool, and then comb through them lightly, from underneath, with your fingers, to separate the hair and spread them out a bit.
This shows better what pieces I curled going around the back of her head.
This big flower bow came from KayteBug Boutique. Excuse the goofiness. She'd had enough hair for the day.

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