Happy Tuesday ladies! Did anyone accomplish anything fantastic over the 3 day weekend? We made a 'start' on our baby's room. I have a love/hate relationship with home projects. I love them when they are done and how they make my house look, but I really detest the finishing of them. Nothing ever gets done in one day, right!?
Well, onto the hair: Since chopping off my older gal's hair, I thought I'd try to just chronicle some of the things we do each day on her new length. I have found it's MUCH easier to do hers, than the mega-lengths of my other daughter's hair (makes cutting it oh so tempting....), and faster!
Here's a cute one we did not too long ago: A simple French Twist Braid right in the middle of her head, and gathered back into a ponytail.
I just parted off the middle section of her hair, from forehead to line behind her ears, combed down the rest of the hair, and did a French Twist Braid. I continued the twist after I stopped gathering up hair from her head, down to the ends, and then combed everything back (with damp hair), into a single ponytail in the back.
You can try to get your top section a TAD more in the center......but at that hour of the morning, I'm just glad to have her hair IN and DONE. Big kiss, and bye bye!
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