Thursday, 29 July 2010

Evenflo Car Seat Video

Evenflo has made an edgy new video showcasing their new spiffy car seat. The video is about how to recover from those inevitable 'potty mouth moment's that parents have, and what we all do to put ourselves back on track with the youngsters. They asked for my thoughts about the here goes. (You can view the video HERE .

Well, although I felt like I was watching regular TV with all the editing and blooping, I kept thinking, "Nope, if this WAS the TV and my kids were around, I'd change the channel." That being said, I did think the video was rather humorous, although the editing could have been cleaner. I think the funny lies in your own imagination and not necessarily hearing the potty talk.
So what do we do in these situations? I have been there (although this mother's language was horrendous!!!). I know under times of duress, we all have our breaking points. I've been there myself, and have been there with my friends and their kids. NO one likes to hear a curse come out of their dainty 3 year old daughter's mouth, let alone such doozies as the synonyms for 'close your mouth'. I was shocked hearing that same dainty 3 year old say "Mom, this plate has crap all over it", after lunch one day.  I wanted to go hide under the bed! But yep, where did she learn that lovely word? Hmm.
It's a challenge we all face. Unpleasant as it is, it happens. I wish I were better, but I feel I have made strides in catching my tongue. When your son or daughter feels your stress in a stressful moment and parrots back those expletives,  you don't feel you've made large strides in parental accomplishment.
What do you all do!?
I'd love to hear back as well. Our best story is when we took a ride on the Alpine Slide here in Park City. Our daughters were ages 4 and 18 mos. To get to the top of the outdoor cement slide, you have to ride a chair lift to the top of the mountain, along with your sled. For us the most intense period was during the painfully slow ride on the open chair lift high above the hill to the top. Our youngest decided to throw a tantrum while sitting next to Dad and kicked her legs out and made her back flat. My husband clamped down the death grip on her leg, and it was apparent from his grimace that he was NOT at ease. I, in turn, put the death grip on my other daughter's leg who had turned to figure out what her sister was doing. At this point the chair lift stopped, and we got to swing back and forth for what seemed like an eternity. The longest moments of my life were spent on the ride, viewing the 3 inch wide wheel that the cable, that was our life support, precariously ran over. There was plenty of time to ponder, "What would have to happen to bump that cable off track just 2 inches?" My 4 year old was not immune to the distress of her parents and our tight lipped glances back and forth.
She looked at us and said, 'Well, da*#!!" And you know what? I completely agreed!

Evenflo has just released the Momentum 65 DLX Convertible Car Seat, with features that help make safety, installation and use as easy as possible for parents. Evenflo andJuiceBoxJungle sponsored me to write this post.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles - How to do a Swirl French Braid Video Tutorial

Here's a fun one that looks cute with either the hair down, or the hair up in back!


Happy Hairbraiding!

Monday, 26 July 2010

Today's Awesome Deal of the Day!

Some of you may have noticed my sidebar, over there, with 'daily deals'. Have any of you checked them out? Juice in the City is showcasing different awesome activities geared specifically for you moms that are in your local area. Right now they are spotlighting Salt Lake City! (Go Utah!) If you don't live around here, then keep your peepers out, because they will be hitting your city/area soon! They just finished San Francisco.
They really are sweet deals for moms, because moms are the ones that have written up the activities, based off their own experiences with the place/activity.
So here's what to do!
You get to 'vote' for what activity looks the funnest. If you 'like' the activity, then you are voting to have that be an amazing deal for us in the future. So everyday, check out what the daily deal is, and if you think it sounds fun, and want a deal on it, then "Like" it! SOOO easy!
Here's the link: I like Juice in the City Deals!

Each time you've 'liked' an activity, comment back here and tell me. Each day is a new comment! I'm thinking there will be something awesome for the person that has the most!

Saturday, 17 July 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles - How to do a zig zag puffy braid ponytail 7-10 min

This hairstyle would be cute with pull-thru ponys as well. I tend to stay away from them the thicker my girl's hair gets, or if there's a large amount of hair to be pulled through. It makes for unhappy girls at night.

This hairdo is pretty straightforward, and works great for either long or short hair. I parted off 3 sections in her hair,doing only one at a time. The first section was from ear to ear, and I put in the elastic far to one side. The next section I tried doing across the back center of her head, and positioned the elastic on the opposite side as the first one. For the final section, I included the rest of the hair, and again, put the elastic on the opposite side, or same side as the first. You can do as many sections as necessary. Shorter hair would work better with smaller sections, as the ponytails wouldn't reach as far. You could also split the hair down the middle, and do two puffy braids.
We continued the elastics down her ponytail to keep the look uniform. Wet hair works best for this hairstyle, especially for the ponytail. Working some gel into her hair would also help keep the flyaways to a minimum.
Happy Hair!

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles-- So we're going camping.....

So that's it. My husband and I decided today to go camping this weekend. I am just sharing this, as I wonder how awesome our hairdo's will be this weekend. I once was without electricity for over a week, during a huge ice storm in Quebec. Since none of us wanted to shower or wash ourselves in frigid water, we abstained. I had a perma-ponytail even without an elastic in my hair. OOOOH! Good times!
Perhaps I'll share photos when I get back!

Do any of you have awesome camping hairdos you want to share!?

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles - How to do different hairdo's with a Daisy Chain Braid! 15-20 min each

So on the days when I decide to 'do some hair' I realize the pressure I've put on myself by creating this blog! I'm forever trying to create a new hairdo to teach or show, to give you ladies the ideas you want. And don't get me wrong, I LOVE playing around with new hairstyles, braids, ways of twisting the hair, etc. I am always striving to create something cute and different, but that doesn't take an hour and a half to do, and requires 7 hands! So, most of the time I attempt variety by combining hair tricks/styles I've already shared. We all know there are literally thousands of things you can do with hair, but half the battle (for me anyway) is SEEING something really awesome and saying to yourself, "hey, I can do that!"
So, here's two I did the other day, using braids I've shared previously, and therefore, braids and tricks that you all are already pros at!

For this hairstyle, I first did a side part, then did an angle part on the large side, from one temple back to above her other ear. Next I did two small Daisy Chain braids back to the same point, and ponytailed them off.
I then combed the rest of her hair into a side ponytail, and included the braid's ponytails, and put it in a stuffed bun on the side.
For this hairstyle, I did an angle part in front, dividing all the hair in front in half, and did two small Daisy Chain Braids back to ears, and ponytailed them off. Then I pulled the rest of the hair back into a ponytail, and did a 4 strand braid in her ponytail.
This one was not a happy camper about having her pictures taken. Having cute hair does not equal having a cute attitude!

I hope these inspire you! I'd love to see what you come up with using the Daisy Chain Braid!

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles - How to do a Triple Braid 15-20 min

How was the holiday for everyone? I hope that no eyebrows, eyelashes, or (heaven forbid!) hair was singed off in any manner. We escaped unscathed (all except for a tumble off of a bike during our 4th of July bike ride. Not me. Only small knees were injured. We are good.)

And we are off with a new hairdo! This was an experiment (aren't they all!?). This hairdo incorporates 2 inside out french braids, with a smaller regular braid. For your gals with shorter hair, you can join the three braids together higher up on her head, rather than at the neckline.
Start with an angle part from forehead to neckline.
Then part off an angled section at the bottom of the first part, leaving enough to do a small braid.I clipped off the two top sections for ease.
Braid the small section into a regular braid.
Next, do a French or inside out braid in the top sections, angling them toward the small braid, so they all meet at the same point.
Braid it down to the ends.
Do both top sections so it ends with three braids.
Next, braid the three braids together for your triple braid. For this hairstyle, I did backwards/inside out braiding on everything, including the triple braid. Sometimes I mix regular with backwards too. Basically just do whatever works or looks best!
And yup, she's in her PJ's. It was just one of those days. Most likely I was still in mine as well.

Friday, 2 July 2010

Little Girl's Hairstyles -- Another Patriotic Hairdo!

I love what you brilliant minds out there come up with--especially around the holidays!! Here's one that was shared with me, so go check it out! Her hair do work is flawless and amazing!

We're seeing Stars!

Thanks for sharing with us!!
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!