Tuesday 15 March 2011

Little Girl's Hairstyles: St. Patrick's Hairdo: The Shamrock Hairdo 10-15 min

The Shamrock Hairdo

I've been browsing some other hair blogs to see their takes on the 'clover' (because, really, what else can you do for St. Paddy's? A leprechaun perched on their head?), and all the hairstyles were frankly just too complex for me! Perhaps because I'm pregnant, or lazy, or the combo of the two, so I had to do something a little easier and faster (they were all super cute--but just TOO much work for me!). You can do this with whatever kind of braid you are in the mood for. I opt for a twist braid because it's FAST!

First, I start with thoroughly dampened hair, and comb it all back into a mid-height ponytail.
 Then since I was going only for a 3 leaf clover, I did three twist braids. You can see my video on twist braids to learn how to do them if necessary. I did one twist braid from the top portion of the ponytail, and then split the underneath into two sections.
 I then made a 'stem' by ponytailing off a low section. Where you put this secondary elastic will depend on the length of your braids. I did my other daughter's hair, which is much shorter, and so her 'stem' is much shorter as well.
 I then brought the 'stem' portion up to the middle or base of the ponytail like pictured, and then laid the twist braids out like the leaves of the clover.
 I then used bobby pins to hold them in place. You may want to crisscross two where I show this one.
 Pin all three (or four if you want a 4 leaf) in place well.
 Then I stuck two bobby pins down through the base of the ponytail and the top part of the stem to hold it in place.

 I added a green bow at the top of the stem.

 Now for the short hair version: My older daughter's hair just touches the tops of her shoulders. Here's her twist braids pinned up into the leaf sections. Notice how short her 'stem' is. I bobby pinned these braids to each other, rather than to her head, and then down through the base of the ponytail again. I liked how they stood up!

 I may want to trim this ribbon before I use it again.....but it's all ok!

A Irish Wish for a Friend

Wishing you a rainbow
For sunlight after showers—
Miles and miles of Irish smiles
For golden happy hours—
Shamrocks at your doorway
For luck and laughter too,
And a host of friends that never ends
Each day your whole life through!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!

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