Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Little Girl's Hairstyles -Crazy Halloween Hair!! 20-30 min

Here's some CRAZY hair for Halloween!! My daughter's school had crazy hair day yesterday, so we got a little kooky. Here's the final result:
This is what we used: Pipe cleaners! Brilliant! I wished they had brown ones to match her hair better, but the black worked nicely.
I just braided in the pipe cleaners into each separate braid, clipping off the excess at the bottom of the braid. I tucked the tip of the pipe cleaner into the elastic at the top, and bent the edge over, so it wouldn't poke her head. I used two pipe cleaners per braid in her two back bottom braids, since they were thicker.  Then of course, we added some pink spray to make it nice and sticky.
We had fun bending and twisting her braids in any direction.
This was our favorite result, twisted in curlicues.

Monday, 26 October 2009

Little Girl's Hairstyles -Two top twists with stuffed bun 7-10 min

I had to show off my cute Halloween bow from Madibu Bows again, since it's Halloween week!!
I started with wet hair (and--this one I did before school, so it's a fast one!), and did a little zig zag part to the crown of her head.
I parted off a small section, about an inch deep, and did a twist braid (you can put it in a pony first, which makes this a tad bit easier to keep tight, but I was eliminating a step today).
Clip that one off, or have her hold it for you, and then do another small section with a twist braid below it.
Two finished twist braids on first side (this looks weird because I had to take the picture with my left hand).
Do two twist braids on other side, and comb rest of the hair back away from the part.
Comb hair down to point where you want the bun/pony to be. After getting it smooth, lay your four twist braids evenly on top and secure it all with an elastic.
Here's an important tip when trying to put in a pony anywhere but the very top of her head (if you didn't do this already...), have her tip her head forward ( I say, Chin on the chest please!). This will help keep the pony smooth and tight (and so much easier to put in!).
My stuffed bun. If hair is too short, leave in a cute pony or halfway pulled through.
Side view
Top. I just love those big bows on top of the bun!
Happy happy girl! And she's off to school!

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Little Girl's Hairstyles -Twist Braid with Ribbon Video Tutorial

The ribbon I used--so easy to make and you can add as many pieces of ribbon as you like!
What I did with the front of her hair: Zig zag part with two pull through ponys.

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Little Girl's Hairstyles -The Daisy Chain Braid 20-30 min

I am not sure if there actually is another real name for this braid, because I looked all over Google, and didn't find anything else, so I guess I get to be original here. It's actually a series of knots, instead of braiding, and I just liked the sound of Daisy Chain for this. All girly and flowers work for me!

And, I WILL be posting a video of this one. Sometime. Soon.
There's that cute bow again from Madibu Bows!
I did two here, but of course you can do just one, which saves you a bunch of time. I do prefer the smaller chain braid myself, which is why I am showing it in two. Begin with one side, other side clipped off. I did do it with wet hair here.
Take your usual section , just like when you start a french braid, and divide into two pieces.
Tie a knot and pull it down tightly. I have done the knots in all different ways, and it all ends up looking the same. The important thing is to be consistent in how you tie them, always putting the same side over/on top.
After you tie the first knot, take sections from BOTH sides, one side at a time, and add them to your existing sides of the knot. Then just tie another knot. Continue to add pieces from both sides and then tie, keeping it tight. It also helps to comb out the hair frequently, and keep it wet, to keep the small hairs from sticking up when you knot the hair.
This is showing how I've added in the hair from both sides, and am tying another knot.
Folding over the hair, and pulling it through.
I tied off the braid once I reached this point, as it is harder to knot the rest of the hair, even with hair her length.
Both sides finished.

Little Girl's Hairstyles -Knotted Laces with a Twist Braid 10-15 min

This shot doesn't show the laces, now does it? Hmm. Scroll down to see them at the end.
Start with WET hair. I parted down the middle, then put two small ponys in the front to begin the laces.
I first parted off a second section, the same size, on the right. Then I picked up the two ponys. Have your little person hold out the parted off section or clip it off.
Another shot showing the parted off section.
Knot the two ponys on top.
Take right section after knotting, and pull it into second pony on the right side. I had my little gal hold the other piece so it stayed tight while I secured it. Part off left second section.
Secure left side into pony.
Repeat again, and then on 4th set of ponys, leave in ponytails (or whenever you get to this point on your gal's head). I wish I had knotted the last set of ponys as well, instead of just bringing them straight down here.
On pony tails, wet thoroughly, and then knot them together.
Once you have your knot, then just begin a regular twist braid down to the ends.
Side view
And my favorite!